Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Book

Journal: -

Language: English


Full reference: Delacour, J. 1954. The waterfowl of the world. , Arco Publ. Company, Inc., New York.

Keywords: status

Literature type: Book

Journal: Birds of the Soviet Union

Language: English


Full reference: Dementiev, G.P. & Gladkov, N.A. 1952. Birds of the Soviet Union. Vol.4. , 1967 translation, Israel Program for Scientific Translation, Jerusalem.

Keywords: status

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ibis

Volume: 6 , Pages: 449.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1936.tb03374.x

Language: English


Full reference: Blair, H.M.S. 1936. On the birds of East Finmark. Part II. Ibis 6: 449. https://www.dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1474-919X.1936.tb03374.x

Keywords: status

Literature type: Book

Language: English


Full reference: Alphéraky, S. 1905. The geese of Europe and Asia. , Rowland Ward, Ltd., London. (translation of Gusi Rossii published in Russia 1904).

Keywords: status, systematics, identification, Anser finnmarchicus, albifrons, temminckii, brevirostris, cineraceus, minutus, brevirostris, erythropus, Pallas, rhodrhynchus, Buturlin, Brehm, Gmelin, Boie, Naumann, Heckel

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ibis

Volume: 44 , Pages: 269-275.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1902.tb03594.x

Language: English


Full reference: Gurney, J.H. 1902. On Anser erythropus and its allies. Ibis 44: 269-275. https://www.dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1474-919X.1902.tb03594.x

Keywords: status

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Ibis

Volume: 24 , Pages: 368-386.

DOI: 10.1111/j.1474-919X.1884.tb01152.x

Language: English


Full reference: Seebohm, H. 1882. Further contributions to the ornithology of Japan. Ibis 24: 368-386. https://www.dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1474-919X.1884.tb01152.x

Keywords: Japan, occurence, status

Literature type: Book

Language: Danish (In Danish)


Full reference: Kjærbølling, N. 1875. Skandinaviens fugle, med særligt hensyn til Danmark og de nordlige bilande. Anden, fuldstændigt omarbeidede udgave ved Jonas Collin. [Birds of Scandinavia, with special emphasis on Denmark and the northern neighbor countries. Second complete edition by Jonas Collin.] , Skandinaviens fugle, med særligt hensyn til Danmark og de nordlige bilande. Anden, fuldstændigt omarbeidede udgave ved Jonas Collin. L.A. Jørgensens Forlag, Kjøbenhavn

Keywords: status

Number of results: 87