Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Report

Language: English


Full reference: Vougioukalou, M., Kazantzidis, S. & Aarvak, T. 2017. Safeguarding the Lesser White-fronted Goose Fennoscandian population at key staging and wintering sites within the European flyway. , Special publication. LIFE+10 NAT/GR/000638 Project, HOS/BirdLife Greece, HAOD/Forest Research Institute, NOF/BirdLife Norway report no. 2017-2. 164p.

Keywords: EU-Life, conservation, Norway, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania,

Literature type: General

Journal: Goose Bulletine

Volume: 22 , Pages: 17-24

Language: English

Full reference: Rozenfeld, S. & Kirtaev, G. 2017. Monitoring and identification of key sites of Lesser White-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) in Baydaratskaya Bay and adjacent territories. Goose Bulletine: 22, 17-24

Keywords: Russia, survey, Yamal Peninsula, Baydaratskaya Bay, ultra-light hydroplane, arial survey,

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

Volume: 5 , Pages: 1062-1066

Language: English


Full reference: Mammadov, A. 2017. Survey of lesser white-fronted goose Anser erythropus in Nakhchivan of Azerbaijan during 20-24 January 2015. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5: 1062-1066

Keywords: Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, wintering, Aras reservoir


A field survey of the Aras water reservoir within Nakhchivan Autonomic Republic and the adjoining flood-plain area of the Aras River valley within Sadarak district near the border of Iran and Turkey was carried out i 20-24 January 2015. Only four small flocks of Lesser White-fronted Geese were located, of which the biggest being 80 individuals. However, these observations together with tracking and location data on satellite transmitter tagged birds proves that at least for the LWfG the whole area of the Aras River valley from the border of Turkey to the Aras reservoir dam serves as a wintering ground. Considering their high significance, the wetlands of the Aras reservoir and Sadarak district should be assigned the status of highly protected area. The survey also covered the numbers and distribution of other water bird species in the area. Within Azerbaijan part, more than 25000 waterfowl and shorebirds winters, which qualifies this important area to the list of important RAMSAR wetlands.

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Bird Conservation International

Volume: 27 , Pages: 355-370.

DOI: 10.1017/S0959270916000393

Language: English

Full reference: Karmiris, I., Kazantzidis, S., Platis, P. & Papachristou, T.G. 2017. Diet selection by wintering Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus and the role of food availability. Bird Conservation International 27: 355-370. https://www.dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0959270916000393

Keywords: diet selection, food availability, diet composition, droppings, protein, Kerkini Lake, Echinochloa crus-galli, Cyperus esculentus, Scirpus lacustris, Ranunculus sceleratus


The Fennoscandian population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus (LWfG) is on the verge of extinction and migrates from northern Fennoscandia to Greece on a regular seasonal basis. For the first time, diet selection was investigated during two years at Kerkini Lake, a wintering site in Greece. The relative use of LWfG’s feeding habitats was systematically recorded by visual observations of the LWfG flocks. Food availability was measured by the relative cover of available vegetation types while the diet composition was determined by the microhistological analysis of droppings. In addition, we determined crude protein, neutral detergent fibre, acid detergent fibre and acid detergent lignin content of the most preferred plant species by LWfG and all vegetation categories that contributed to LWfG diet in the middle of the duration of their stay at Kerkini Lake and after their departure from the lake. LWfG feeding habitat was exclusively marshy grassland in water less than 5 cm deep up to 300–400 m away from the shore. LWfG selected a diverse number of plant species (33), however, grass made up the 58% of their diets. The most preferred plant species were Echinochloa crus-galli, Cyperus esculentus, Scirpus lacustris and Ranunculus sceleratus. LWfG departed from Kerkini Lake in mid-December to the Evros Delta (Thrace, eastern Greece), when either food availability falls in very low levels or flooding occurred in their main feeding habitat. Consequently, as long as food and habitat resources are available for LWfG, it is very likely that the birds will winter mainly at Kerkini Lake and not at the Evros Delta, which will contribute to further minimisation of the theoretical risk of accidental shooting of LWfG at the latter wintering habitat. Thus, future conservation actions should primarily focus on the grassland improvement at Kerkini Lake enhancing the availability of food resources for LWfG (mainly grasses) and the protection of the feeding habitat from flooding.

Literature type: General

Journal: Goose Bulletin

Volume: 21 , Pages: 12-31.

Language: English


Full reference: Rozenfeld, S., Kirtaev, G., Soloviev, M., Rogova, N. & Ivanov, M. 2016. The results of autumn counts of Lesser White-fronted Goose and other geese species in the Ob valley and White-sea-Baltic flyway in September. Goose Bulletin: 21, 12-31.

Keywords: Russia, numbers, survey, ultra-light aircraft, density. Distribution, autumn, Ob-valley, Yamalo-Nenetski Autonomous District, Khanty-Mansiiski Autonomous District, Nenets Autonomous District

Literature type: Report

Language: English


Full reference: Rozenfeld, S. (comp). 2016. Small-Scale Funding Agreement (2015-2) ‘Conservation of the globally threatened Lesser White-fronted goose’ Final report. , 102pp.

Keywords: Russia, satellite tracking, survey

Literature type: Report

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31858.30404

Language: English


Full reference: Aarvak, T., Øien, I.J. & Shimmings, P. 2016. A critical review of Lesser White-fronted Goose release projects. , NOF-report 2016-6. 218 pp.

Keywords: release project, reintroduction, translocation, illegal, genetic, distribution, population, court case, hybrid, barnacle goose, carrier species

Literature type: Book Chpt

Language: English

Full reference: Mikander, N. 2015. Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus). An elusive traveller. , UNEP/AEWA Secretariat 2015.Stories from the flyway. Bonn, Germany. 184pp.

Keywords: photos, photo book, conservation evidenece

Literature type: Thesis

Language: English

Full reference: Mandila, J.M. 2015. Problems of translocation: case study Lesser White-fronted Goose. , B.Sc. Thesis. Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Freiburg, Germany.

Keywords: reintroduction, evaluation, translocation, thesis, Germany, Sweden


In order to prevent extinction of the endangered Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose (LWfG) population, several translocation attempts have been conducted since 1981. Reintroductions prior to 2010 were based on captive birds. By altering the species migration route, the birds were led from former breeding grounds of the Fennoscandian population to safer wintering grounds in Western Europe. The subsequent detection of introgression from other goose genes among the source population led to further releases being put on hold. However, hybridization may be a natural phenomena among LWfG, although research supporting such a view is scarce and the data used questionable, probably relying on samples from escapees. Furthermore, reintroduction by means of using a non traditional route has been criticised due to the change in habitat selection and feeding behaviour of the released population. More recently, releases have been carried out with pure bred LWfG using the traditional route to Western Europe. Although this supports the view that the migration route used is an earlier traditional one which got lost as a result of the decline in the Fennoscandian population, analysis of the supporting data shows that the evidence is too scarce to make such an assumption. Since reintroduction is threatening the wild LWfG genetically and ecologically due to the adoption of genetic traits and behaviour caused by inter-breeding with the released population, the restricted resources of suitable birds should be kept for possible future supplementation of the Fennoscandian population in accordance with the IUCN Guidelines. Furthermore, in order to maintain the wild population and lead to its recovery to a favourable conservation status, efforts should concentrate on the reduction of threats along the traditional migration route and the restoration of its natural habitats.

Literature type: Report

Language: English


Full reference: Timonen, S. & Eskelin, T. 2014. Survey of wintering sites for the Lesser White-fronted Goose in the Syrian Arab Republic in 2011. , NOF/BirdLife Norway - Report 3-2014. 12 pp.

Keywords: survey, Syria, wintering, winter

Number of results: 179