Literature type: Report
Full reference: Lee, R., Cranswick, P.A. Hilton, G.M. & Jarrett, N.S. 2010. Feasibility study for a re-introduction/supplementation programme for the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Norway. , WWT Report to the Directorate for Nature Management, Norway. 130pp.
Keywords: reintroduction, translocation, population, mortality, feasibility, re-introduction, supplementation, Norway, Fennoscandia, life-history, captive breeding, zoo,
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Amato, G. 2010. A Review of the Conservation Genetics Issues Confronting the Lesser White-fronted Goose Recovery Program. , Executive Summary for unfinalized report.
Keywords: genetics, reintroduction
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Zoologischer Anzeiger
Volume: 248 , Pages: 265-271.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2009.10.003
Comments: A review of this publication will soon appear here.
Full reference: Nijman, V., Alibadian, M. & Roselaar, C.S. 2009. Wild hybrids of Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) x Greater White-fronted Goose (A. albifrons) (Aves: Anseriformes) form the European migratory flyway. Zoologischer Anzeiger 248: 265-271.
Keywords: reintroduction
A review of this publication will soon appear here.
Literature type: Report
(In Swedish)
Full reference: Boberg, C. 2009. Hur ska den biologiska diversiteten bevaras? En granskning av dagens bevarandebiologi. [How shall biodiversity be conserved? An investigation into present conservation biology.] , Självständigt arbete i biologi, 15hp, vårterminen 2009. Institutionen för biologisk grundutbildning, Uppsala universitet
Keywords: Sweden, reintroduction, genetics, introgression
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Ottvall, R. 2008. Feasibility study of catching and genetic screening of Swedish Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus. , Department of Ecology, Lund University. 36 pp.
Keywords: reintroduction
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ornis Svecica
Volume: 18 , Pages: 68-81.
Full reference: Kampe-Persson, H. 2008. Historical occurrence of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in the Atlantic flyway. Ornis Svecica 18: 68-81.
Keywords: reintroduction
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Conservation Genetics
Volume: 8 , Pages: 197-207.
DOI: 10.1007/s10592-006-9162-5
Full reference: Ruokonen, M., Andersson, A.-C. & Tegelström, H. 2007. Using historical captive stocks in conservation. The case of the lesser white-fronted goose. Conservation Genetics 8: 197-207.
Keywords: Hybrid, Captive, Supplementation, Reintroduction, Lesser white-fronted goose, Anser erythropus
Many captive stocks of economically or otherwise valuable species were established before the decline of the wild population. These stocks are potentially valuable sources of genetic variability, but their taxonomic identity and actual value is often uncertain. We studied the genetics of captive stocks of the threatened lesser white-fronted goose Anser erythropus maintained in Sweden and elsewhere in Europe. Analyses of mtDNA and nuclear microsatellite markers revealed that 36% of the individuals had a hybrid ancestry. Because the parental species are closely related it is unlikely that our analyses detected all hybrid individuals in the material. Because no ancestral polymorphism or introgression was observed in samples of wild populations, it is likely that the observed hybridisation has occurred in captivity. As a consequence of founder effect, drift and hybridisation, captive stocks were genetically differentiated from the wild populations of the lesser white-fronted goose. The high level of genetic diversity in the captive stocks is explained at least partially by hybridisation. The present captive stocks of the lesser white-fronted goose are considered unsuitable for further reintroduction, or supplementation: hybridisation has involved three species, the number of hybrids is high, and all the investigated captive stocks are similarly affected. The results highlight the potential shortcomings of using captive-bred individuals in supplementation and reintroduction projects, when the captive stocks have not been pedigreed and bred according to conservation principles.
Literature type: Book Chpt
Full reference: Andersson, Å. & Larsson, T. 2006. Reintroduction of Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Swedish Lapland. , In: Boere, G.C., Galbraith, C.A. & Stroud, D.A. Waterbirds around the world. The stationary office, Edinburgh, UK. Pp. 635-636.
Keywords: reintroduction
Literature type: General
Journal: Fåglar i Västerbotten
Volume: 30 , Pages: 2-8.
(In Swedish)
Full reference: Hansson, P. 2005. Kan fjällgåsen, Anser erythropus, någonsin komma tilbaks till Västerbotten? [Can the Lesser White-fronted Goose ever return til Västerbotten?], Fåglar i Västerbotten: 30, 2-8.
Keywords: reintroduction, Sverige, Sweden
Literature type: General
Journal: Vår Fågelvärld
Volume: 3/2004 , Pages: 16-21.
(In Swedish)
Full reference: Andersson, Å., Gladh, L. & Larsson, T. 2004. Hur går det för fjällgåsen i Sverige? Lägesrapport från svenska fjällgåsprojektet. Vår Fågelvärld : 3/2004, 16-21.
Keywords: Sweden, reintroduction
Number of results: 48