Literature type: General
Journal: Fåglar i Stockholmstrakten
Volume: 16 , Pages: 16-17.
Language: Swedish (In Swedish)
Download:Full reference: Kyrk, C. 1987. Hybrid vitkindad gås x fjällgås. [Hybrid Barnacle Goose x Lesser White-fronted Goose.], Fåglar i Stockholmstrakten : 16, 16-17.
Literature type: General
Journal: Limosa
Volume: 40 , Pages: 9-11.
Language: Dutch
Download:Full reference: Voous, K.H. & Wattel, J. 1967. Waarschijnlijke bastaard Kolgans x Dwerggans uit de natuur. [Probable hybrid between White-fronted Goose x Lesser White-fronted Goose in the wild.], Limosa: 40, 9-11.
Keywords: hybrid, White-fronted Goose, reintroduction, the Netherlands
Literature type: General
Journal: British Birds
Volume: 49 , Pages: 229.
Language: English
Full reference: Shackleton, K. 1956. Apparent hybrid Lesser White-fronted x Greater White-fronted Goose in Hampshire and Sussex. British Birds: 49, 229.
Keywords: hybrid, Enland, Great britain
Number of results: 14