Literature type: General
Journal: Bulletin of the goose, swan and duck study group of northern Eurasia (Casarca)
Volume: 15(2) , Pages: 139-163.
(In Russian with English summary)
Full reference: Andryushchenko, Yu.A. & Popenko, V.M. 2012. [Current status of wintering geese in dry-steppe subzone of Ukraine east of the Dnieper river. ], Bulletin of the goose, swan and duck study group of northern Eurasia (Casarca): 15(2), 139-163.
Keywords: Ukraine, occurrence, surveys
Literature type: General
Journal: Podoces
Volume: 6 , Pages: 123-125.
Full reference: Mansoori, J. & Amini, H. 2011. Current Status of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Iran. Podoces: 6, 123-125.
Keywords: Iran, occurrence, decline, Miankaleh, winter
The Lesser White-fronted Goose is a species of conservation concern and considered to be globally threatened with extinction. Since the 1960s, the species has been reported from a total of 22 sites throughout Iran, but in the period 1992–2008, mid-winter counts of the species were received from only 16 sites. The status of the species in Iran is reviewed, and a map has been prepared showing the location of all the sites at which the species has been recorded. The highest number of birds recorded in Iran since the 1960s was a flock of 6,650 individuals in Miankaleh Protected Area in December 1972, while in 2007 and 2008, the total numbers recorded in Iran were only 264 and 26 individuals respectively.
Literature type: General
Journal: Bulletin of the goose, swan and duck study group of northern Eurasia (Casarca)
Volume: 14 , Pages: 223-239.
(In Russian with English summary)
Full reference: Bukree, S.A. & Chernobay, V.F. 2011. [Data on Anseriformes of the Volgograd Darpa], Bulletin of the goose, swan and duck study group of northern Eurasia (Casarca): 14, 223-239.
Keywords: Russia, occurrence, Volgograd
Literature type: Book
, Pages: 193-194.
(In Finnish)
Full reference: Tolvanen, P. 2010. Kiljuhanhi (Anser erythropus). [Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus).] , In: Solonen, T., Lehikoinen, A. & Lammi, E. (ed.) 2010. Uudenmaan linnusto. (With English summary: The birdfauna of the region of Uusimaa, southern Finland.) Helsingin seudun lintutieteellinen yhdistys Tringa, Helsinki.
Keywords: occurrence, status, distribution
Literature type: General
(In Swedish)
Full reference: Strid, T. & Wærn, M. 2010. Fågelrapport 2010. [Bird report 2010.], Pp. 45-149 in: SOF 2010. Fågelåret 2009. Halmstad.
Keywords: Occurrence, Sweden, hybrids, Barnacle Goose, Rarity report
Literature type: Book Chpt
Full reference: Kirwan, G.M., Boyla, K.A., Castell, P., Demirci, B.,Özen, M., Welch, H. & Marlow, T. 2008. Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus Kücük Sakarca. Pp. 60-61 in: , The Birds of Turkey. The distribution, taxonomy and breeding of Turkish birds. Christopher Helm, London.
Keywords: Turkey, distribution, occurrence
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ornis Svecica
Volume: 18 , Pages: 68-81.
Full reference: Kampe-Persson, H. 2008. Historical occurrence of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in the Atlantic flyway. Ornis Svecica 18: 68-81.
Keywords: reintroduction
Literature type: Book
(In Swedish)
Full reference: Ryd, Y. 2007. Ren och Varg. Samer berättar. [Reindeer and wolves. Sami tells.] , Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm. 265pp.
Keywords: moulting, dogs, catching, Sweden, extinction, summer, behaviour, occurrence
Literature type: General
Journal: Natur i Østfold
Volume: 26 , Pages: 3-13.
(In Norwegian)
Full reference: Pettersen, M. & Aarvak, T. 2007. Forekomst av tundragås Anser albifrons og dverggås Anser\nerythropus i Østfold. [Occurrence of White-fronted Goose Anser albifrons and Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Østfold.], Natur i Østfold: 26, 3-13.
Keywords: occurrence
Tundragåsa er en sjeldent forekommende art i Østfold. Ved utgangen av 2004 var det registrert 37 funn av til sammen 59 individer. Av disse er kun to funn av fire individer av underarten flavirostris. Når det gjelder dverggås foreligger det per 2004 kun tre funn av fire individer. To eldre observasjoner diskuteres. Disse er ikke godt nok dokumentert til å bli med i den offisielle funnstatistikken for Østfold.
Number of results: 45