Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Volume: 101 , Pages: 303-313.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.05.021
Full reference: Ottenburghs, J., Megens, H.-J., Kraus, R.H.S., Madsen, O., van Hooft, P., van Wieren, S.E., Crooijmans, R.P.M.A., Ydenberg, R.C., Groenen, M.A.M. & Prins, H.H.T. 2016. A tree of geese: A phylogenomic perspective on the evolutionary history of True Geese. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 101: 303-313.
Keywords: Consensus, Concatenation, Gene tree, Hybridization, Incomplete lineage sorting, Species tree
Phylogenetic incongruence can be caused by analytical shortcomings or can be the result of biological processes, such as hybridization, incomplete lineage sorting and gene duplication. Differentiation between these causes of incongruence is essential to unravel complex speciation and diversification events. The phylogeny of the True Geese (tribe Anserini, Anatidae, Anseriformes) was, until now, contentious, i.e., the phylogenetic relationships and the timing of divergence between the different goose species could not be fully resolved. We sequenced nineteen goose genomes (representing seventeen species of which three subspecies of the Brent Goose, Branta bernicla) and used an exon-based phylogenomic approach (41,736 exons, representing 5887 genes) to unravel the evolutionary history of this bird group. We thereby provide general guidance on the combination of whole genome evolutionary analyses and analytical tools for such cases where previous attempts to resolve the phylogenetic history of several taxa could not be unravelled. Identical topologies were obtained using either a concatenation (based upon an alignment of 6,630,626 base pairs) or a coalescent-based consensus method. Two major lineages, corresponding to the genera Anser and Branta, were strongly supported. Within the Branta lineage, the White-cheeked Geese form a well-supported sub-lineage that is sister to the Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis). In addition, two main clades of Anser species could be identified, the White Geese and the Grey Geese. The results from the consensus method suggest that the diversification of the genus Anser is heavily influenced by rapid speciation and by hybridization, which may explain the failure of previous studies to resolve the phylogenetic relationships within this genus. The majority of speciation events took place in the late Pliocene and early Pleistocene (between 4 and 2 million years ago), conceivably driven by a global cooling trend that led to the establishment of a circumpolar tundra belt and the emergence of temperate grasslands. Our approach will be a fruitful strategy for resolving many other complex evolutionary histories at the level of genera, species, and subspecies.
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Morozov, V.V., Øien, I.J. & Aarvak, T. 2016. Monitoring and satellite tracking of Lesser White-fronted Geese from the Russian European tundra in Russia in 2015. , NOF-BirdLife Norway - Report 2-2016. 13pp.
Keywords: Polar Urals, Bolshezemelskaya Tundra, Bolshaya Rogovaya River, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, production
Fieldwork was carried out between 6th June and 10th August 2015 at the western macro-slope of the Polar Urals and the eastern Bolshezemelskaya Tundra, Russia. In the Bolshaya Rogovaya River basin area, only one LWfG pair with five juveniles was located. However, the numbers of Bean Geese were high, with 92 adults and at least 58 juveniles in the same area. In the Polar Urals, Lesser White-fronted Geese were found on the rivers or watershed lakes in June, but repeated observations carried out in July and early August did not confirm the presence of LWfG, but also here many broods of Bean Goose were observed. Altogether, three broods of LWfG were found in one flock. One adult male was caught by a hoop net during fieldwork and equipped with a solar powered GPS satellite transmitter. This male LWfG migrated southwards along the Ob river valley, through Kazakhstan, but instead of crossing over to the western side of the Caspian Sea as expected, he was tracked to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. This is the first time that a Lesser White-fronted Goose has been tracked to this probably very important wintering area which is situated in the border area between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. By 7th January 2016 the bird was still alive and with a functioning transmitter.
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Morozov, V.V, Sultanov, E. & Mammadov, A. 2016. Survey of Lesser White-fronted Geese in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, in January 2015. , NOF-BirdLife Norway - Report 3-2016. 12pp.
Keywords: Occurrence, survey, Azerbaijan, Iran, Nakhchivan, wintering
We carried out a field survey of wintering Lesser White-fronted Geese in the Aras water reservoir in the Nakhchivan Autonomic Republic in the period 20th-24th January 2015. We also surveyed the adjoining flood-plain area of the Aras River valley within Sadarak district near the border of Iran and Turkey in the same period. Only four small flocks of Lesser White-fronted Geese were located, of which the largest being 80 individuals. These observations together with tracking and location data from satellite transmitter tagged birds proves that the whole area of the Aras River valley from the border of Turkey to the Aras reservoir dam, serves as a wintering ground for the species. Considering their high importance, the wetlands of the Aras reservoir and the Sadarak district should be designated as a strictly protected area.The survey also covered numbers and distribution of other waterbird species in the area. Within the Azerbaijan part, more than 25000 individuals of waterfowl and shorebirds overwinter, which qualifies this important area to the list of important RAMSAR wetlands.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Bird Conservation International
Volume: 26 , Pages: 397-417.
DOI: 10.1017/S0959270915000386
Full reference: Jia, Q., Koyama, K., Choi, C.-Y., Kim, H.-J., Cao, L., Liu, G. & Fox, A. 2016. Population estimates and geographical distributions of swans and geese in East Asia based on counts during the non-breeding season. Bird Conservation International 26: 397-417.
Keywords: Population size, survey, South Korea, Japan, China,
For the first time, we estimated the population sizes of two swan species and four goose species from observations during the non-breeding period in East Asia. Based on combined counts from South Korea, Japan and China, we estimated the total abundance of these species as follows: 42,000–47,000 Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus; 99,000–141,000 Tundra Swans C. columbianus bewickii; 56,000–98,000 Swan Geese Anser cygnoides; 157,000–194,000 Bean Geese A. fabalis; 231,000–283,000 Greater White-fronted Geese A. albifrons; and 14,000–19,000 Lesser White-fronted Geese A. erythropus. While the count data from Korea and Japan provide a good reflection of numbers present, there remain gaps in the coverage in China, which particularly affect the precision of the estimates for Bean, Greater and Lesser White-fronted Geese as well as Tundra Swans. Lack of subspecies distinction of Bean Geese in China until recently also limits our ability to determine the true status of A. f. middendorffii there, but all indications suggest this population numbers around 18,000 individuals and is in need of urgent attention. The small, highly concentrated and declining numbers of Lesser White-fronted Geese give concern for this species, as do the major declines in Greater White-fronted Geese in China (in contrast to numbers in Japan and Korea, considered to be a separate flyway). In the absence of any demographic data, it is impossible to interpret the causes of these changes in abundance. Improved monitoring, including demographic and tracking studies are required to provide the necessary information to retain populations in favourable conservation status.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Ecological Engineering
Volume: 88 , Pages: 90–98.
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.12.009
Full reference: Guan, L., Lei, J., Zuo, A., Zhang, H., Lei, G. & Wen, L. 2016. Optimizing the timing of water level recession for conservation of wintering geese in Dongting Lake, China. Ecological Engineering 88: 90–98.
Keywords: Habitat quality, Water recession, Generalised linear mixed modelling (GLMM), Three Gorges Dam, (TGD), Enhanced vegetation index (EVI), Geese, China, Dong Tinge lake, wintering
Habitat suitability and selection are key concepts in wildlife management, especially in protection of critical habitat and conservation of sensitive and endangered populations. In recent years, many approaches have been developed to link habitat suitability with animal occurrence and abundance. These approaches typically involve identifying existing habitats, defining habitat quality metrics, and estimating the association between animal occurrence/abundance and measured habitat metrics. In this study, we first tested whether we could measure habitat quality at Dongting Lake, China, one of the most important migratory waterbird wintering sites in the East Asian Flyway, for a group of Anatidae using metrics derived from the freely available multi-temporal MODIS vegetation index. The results showed that goose counts could be sufficiently modelled using mean winter season EVI (enhanced vegetation index) and habitat size computed from EVI time series and topographic wetness index (TWI). We then quantified the relationships between hydrological regimes and the habitat quality metrics. Our findings suggested that the timing of optimal water draw down should be early to mid October to ensure quality food sources for the wintering geese in Dongting Lake. The results have direct conservation implications as water recession timing is highly manageable through water flow regulation.
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Morozov, V.V., Aarvak, T. & Øien, I.J. 2015. Satellite tracking of Lesser White-fronted Geese from the East-European tundra in Russia in 2014. , Norsk Ornitologisk Forening - Report 1-2015. 14 pp.
Keywords: satellite transmitter tracking, Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, breeding survey
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Lampila, P. & Eskelin, T. 2015. Monitoring of Lesser White-fronted Geese (Anser erythropus) in Northern Iran. , AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group Report Series No. 4. Bonn, Germany.
Keywords: Iran, winter survey
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Science of the Total Environment
Volume: 527–528 , Pages: 279–286.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.04.083
Full reference: Aloupi, M., Kazantzidis, S., Akriotis, T., Bantikou, E. & Hatzidaki, V.-O. 2015. Lesser White-fronted (Anser erythropus) and Greater White-fronted (A. albifrons) Geese wintering in Greek wetlands are not threatened by Pb through shot ingestion. Science of the Total Environment 527–528: 279–286.
Keywords: Non-invasive monitoring, Soil ingestion, Pb–Al relationship, Anser albifrons, Anser erythropus, Lead shot, Greece, hunting,
Fecal lead (Pb) levels were investigated in the threatened European population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (LWfG, Anser erythropus) and of the non-threatened Greater White-fronted Goose (GWfG, Anser albifrons) wintering in two wetland areas in northern Greece in order to assess the potential risk from Pb exposure. Fecal, soil and food plant samples were analyzed. Levels of Pb were normalized using Al concentrations in order to sep-arate the effect of possible ingestion of Pb shot from that of soil or sediment accidentally ingested with food. All concentrations are expressed on a dry weight basis. Geometric means of Pb content in the feces of LWfG were 6.24 mg/kg at Evros Delta and 7.34 mg/kg at Lake Kerkini (maximum values of 28.61 mg/kg and 36.68 mg/kg, re-spectively); for fecal samples of GWfG geometric means were 2.39 mg/kg at Evros Delta and 6.90 mg/kg at Kerkini (corresponding maximum values of 25.09 mg/kg and 42.26 mg/kg). Soil Pb was in the range of 5.2–60.2 mg/kg (geometric mean = 22.6 mg/kg) for the Evros Delta and between 13.4 and 64.9 mg/kg (geometric mean = 28.1 mg/kg) for Kerkini. A general linear model fitted to the data showed that Pb levels were very closely dependent on Al levels in the feces from both species and at both sites indicating soil or sediment were the only significant source of Pb; species and site, as well as their interaction, were not statistically significant factors. For both species and at both sites exposure to Pb was evidently very mild and the observed levels of Pb were well below the proposed thresholds for lethal or sublethal effects of Pb poisoning. Soil ingestion appeared to gradually increase from October to De-cember for LWfG at Kerkini, corresponding to a gradual depletion of their food source.
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Journal of Ornithology
Volume: 155 , Pages: 707-712.
DOI: 10.1007/s10336-014-1056-6
Full reference: Wang, X, Fox, A.D., Zhuang, X., Cao, L., Meng, F. & Cong, P. 2014. Shifting to an energy-poor diet for nitrogen? Not the case for wintering herbivorous Lesser White-fronted Geese in China Journal of Ornithology 155: 707-712.
Keywords: East Dongting Lake, Energy budget, foraging decisions, Nitrogen budget, Recessional grasslands, Uric acid
Geese often forage on mid-winter foods that fail to satisfy daily energy needs, but they may do so to acquire other nutrients, such as nitrogen. We tested thishypothesis by evaluating nitrogen budgets, namely thebalance of nitrogen income against expenditure, of winteringLesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus feedingat two sites within East Dongting Lake, China, where they could and could not balance daily energy budgets.Geese could balance nitrogen budgets in energy-rich habitats but were less able to do so in habitats where they failed to balance energy budgets. This study presents the first full nitrogen budget for a wintering goose species, and suggests that, rather than acting as a source of nitrogen, use of energy-poor but undisturbed habitats may represent a refuge from human disturbance at other habitats.
Literature type: General
Journal: Indian Birds
Volume: 9 , Pages: 148–149.
Full reference: Shreeram M. V., & Deomurari, A. 2014. Record of Lesser- Anser erythropus and Greater- White-fronted Geese A. albifrons from Gujarat, India. Indian Birds: 9, 148–149.
Keywords: observation, India
Number of results: 110