Literature type: General
Journal: Bulletin of the Sendai Science Museum
Volume: no.7 1997 , Pages: 103-105.
Full reference: Iwabuchi, S., Gang, L., Young, J. & Yue, S.P. 1997. The short report on survey of Lesser White-fronted Geese at Dongting Lakes in China. Bulletin of the Sendai Science Museum: no.7 1997, 103-105.
Literature type: General
Journal: Bulletin of the Sendai Science Museum
Volume: no.7 1997 , Pages: 96-102.
Full reference: Iwabuchi, S. 1997. Distribution and status of Lesser White-frronted Goose (Anser erythropus). Bulletin of the Sendai Science Museum: no.7 1997, 96-102.
Keywords: Japan, world, West Palearctic, East Palearctic, distrribution, negative factors
Literature type: General
Journal: Bulletin of the Sendai Science Museum
(In Japanese)
Full reference: Iwabuchi, S. 1997. [Distribution and status of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus).], Bulletin of the Sendai Science Museum:
Literature type: Book
(In German)
Full reference: Reiser, O. 1905. Griechenland und die Griechischen inseln (min ausnahme von Kreta). [Greece and the Greek islands (with exception of Crete).] , Materialien zu einer Ornis Balcanica. Herausgegeben vom Bosnisch-Herzegowininschen Landesmuseum in Sarajejevo. Adolf Holzbausen und k. hof Universitats-Buchdrucker, Wien. 601 pp.
Literature type: General
Journal: Tromsø Museums aarshefter
Volume: 27 , Pages: 20-129.
(In Norwegian)
Full reference: Wessel, A.B. 1904. Ornithologiske meddelelser fra Sydvaranger. Tromsø Museums aarshefter: 27, 20-129.
Keywords: Finnmark, Varanger, Norway, occurrence, hunting, nest, Nesseby, Jakobselv
Literature type: Book
Full reference: Salvadori, T. 1895. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum. Vol. 27. , Taylor and Francis, London
Keywords: museum, occurrence, identification, synonyms, erythropus, finnmarchichus, temminckii, cinereaceus, brevirostris, minutus, naumann, Marilochen, pygmæus, minutus
Number of results: 6