Literature type: Report
Full reference: Morozov, V.V, Sultanov, E. & Mammadov, A. 2016. Survey of Lesser White-fronted Geese in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, in January 2015. , NOF-BirdLife Norway - Report 3-2016. 12pp.
Keywords: Occurrence, survey, Azerbaijan, Iran, Nakhchivan, wintering
We carried out a field survey of wintering Lesser White-fronted Geese in the Aras water reservoir in the Nakhchivan Autonomic Republic in the period 20th-24th January 2015. We also surveyed the adjoining flood-plain area of the Aras River valley within Sadarak district near the border of Iran and Turkey in the same period. Only four small flocks of Lesser White-fronted Geese were located, of which the largest being 80 individuals. These observations together with tracking and location data from satellite transmitter tagged birds proves that the whole area of the Aras River valley from the border of Turkey to the Aras reservoir dam, serves as a wintering ground for the species. Considering their high importance, the wetlands of the Aras reservoir and the Sadarak district should be designated as a strictly protected area.The survey also covered numbers and distribution of other waterbird species in the area. Within the Azerbaijan part, more than 25000 individuals of waterfowl and shorebirds overwinter, which qualifies this important area to the list of important RAMSAR wetlands.
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Lampila, P. & Eskelin, T. 2015. Monitoring of Lesser White-fronted Geese (Anser erythropus) in Northern Iran. , AEWA Lesser White-fronted Goose International Working Group Report Series No. 4. Bonn, Germany.
Keywords: Iran, winter survey
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Morozov, V.V., Øien, I.J. & Aarvak, T. 2014. Satellite tracking of Lesser White-fronted Goose from the east-european tundra in Russia. , Norsk Ornitologisk Forening - Report 5-2014. 16pp.
Keywords: Ural mountains, Ob River, Vorkuta, Bolshezemelskaya, Kazakhstan, Aras water reservoir, Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, Iran, hunting, poaching
Literature type: Scientific
Journal: Euro. J. Exp. Bio.
Volume: 222-241
Full reference: Mikaili, P., Dolati, I., Asghari, M.H. & Shayegh, J. 2012. A systematic ornithological study of the Northern region of Iranian Plateau, including bird names in native language. Euro. J. Exp. Bio. 222-241.
Literature type: General
Journal: Podoces
Volume: 6 , Pages: 123-125.
Full reference: Mansoori, J. & Amini, H. 2011. Current Status of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Iran. Podoces: 6, 123-125.
Keywords: Iran, occurrence, decline, Miankaleh, winter
The Lesser White-fronted Goose is a species of conservation concern and considered to be globally threatened with extinction. Since the 1960s, the species has been reported from a total of 22 sites throughout Iran, but in the period 1992–2008, mid-winter counts of the species were received from only 16 sites. The status of the species in Iran is reviewed, and a map has been prepared showing the location of all the sites at which the species has been recorded. The highest number of birds recorded in Iran since the 1960s was a flock of 6,650 individuals in Miankaleh Protected Area in December 1972, while in 2007 and 2008, the total numbers recorded in Iran were only 264 and 26 individuals respectively.
Literature type: General
Journal: Podoces
Volume: 5 , Pages: 11-28.
Full reference: Scott, D.A. 2010. Results of Mid-winter Waterbird Counts in Iran in the Early 1970s. Podoces: 5, 11-28.
Keywords: mid-winter, waterbird counts, Iran, population estimation, wetland
The mid-winter waterbird counts in Iran were initiated by the Department of the Environment in January 1967. The counts focused on pelicans, flamingos, swans, geese, ducks, cranes and coots, but some counts were also made of other species of waterbirds. By the early 1970s, the counts were sufficiently comprehensive to enable estimations to be made of the total numbers of many species of waterbirds present in Iran in the mid-winter period. The overall results of the counts and these population estimates are presented in a series of tables. It was estimated that in an ‘average’ year in the early 1970s, there were approximately 2,000–2,200 pelicans, 48,000–51,000 flamingos, 380–460 swans, 27,000–32,000 geese, 2.0–2.4 million ducks, 2,300–2,800 cranes and 370,000–410,000 coots wintering in Iran. The number of birds reaching Iran in autumn and remaining throughout the winter was greatly affected by weather conditions both in Iran and in the north Caspian region. In mild winters, large numbers of the hardier species, notably the swans Cygnus spp., remained throughout the winter in the north Caspian, while in extremely severe winters, a large part of the Russian wintering populations moved south into northern Iran. In dry years, when many of the wetlands in Khuzestan, central Fars and Seistan remained dry throughout the winter, large numbers of waterbirds continued on south to winter in the Indian subcontinent or Mesopotamia. In the winter of 1969/70, when conditions were unusually mild in northwestern Iran, large numbers of birds overwintered in the wetlands of the Urumiyeh basin in Azarbaijan, but in most years these wetlands froze over in December, and most birds had left the area by the time of the mid-winter counts.
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Amini, H. & Willems, F.J. 2008. Waterbirds in Iran. Results of a mid-winter count in the provinces of West Azarbayjan, Gilan, Mazanderan, Golestan, Sistan-Baluchistan, Hormozgan, Fars, Bushehr & Khuzestan of the Islamic Republic of Iran, January 2007. , Department of Environment, Islamic Republic of Iran. 390pp.
Keywords: mid-winter, waterbird counts, Iran, population estimation, wetland
Literature type: General
Journal: Bulletin of the goose, swan and duck study group of northern Eurasia (Casarca)
Volume: 10 , Pages: 145-155.
(In Russian with English summary)
Full reference: Karavaev, A.A. 2004. [Migration and wintering of the greater and lesser white-fronted geese along the south-eastern coast of the Caspian Sea.], Bulletin of the goose, swan and duck study group of northern Eurasia (Casarca): 10, 145-155.
Keywords: Iran, Turkmenistan
Literature type: Report
Full reference: Kellomäki, E., Ripatti, N. & Syroechkovsky, E. (eds). 2001. Focus on the Caspian Sea. A regional Action Plan for protection of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus). , Bulletin of the Regional Environmental Agency of Hame, Finland. No 21-2001.
Keywords: status, distribution, action plan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia, Dagestan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Literature type: Proceedings
Full reference: Savage, C.D.H. & Firouz, E. 1968. The wildfowl and wetland situation in Iran. , Proceedings of a technical meeting on wetland conservation, Ankara-bursa-Istanbul 9-16 October 1967. IUCN Publications new series No.12.:115-119.
Number of results: 10