Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Freshwater biology

Volume: 64 , Pages: 1183-1195.

DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13294

Language: English

Full reference: Jialin, L., Yifei, J., Yuyu, W., Guangchun, L., Cai, L., Neil, S., & Li, W. 2019. Behavioural plasticity and trophic niche shift: How wintering geese respond to habitat alteration. Freshwater biology 64: 1183-1195. https://www.dx.doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13294

Keywords: behavioural response, hydrological regimes, trophic niche width, trophic position, wintering habitats, China


1. The accelerated rate of human-induced environmental change poses a significant challenge for wildlife. The ability of wild animals to adapt to environmental changes has important consequences for their fitness, survival, and reproduction. Behavioural flexibility, an immediate adjustment of behaviour in response to environmental variability, may be particularly important for coping with anthropogenic change. The main aim of this study was to quantify the response of two wintering goose species (bean goose Anser fabalis and lesser white-fronted goose Anser erythropus) to poor habitat condition at population level by studying foraging behaviour. In addition, we tested whether behavioural plasticity could alter trophic niche. 2. We characterised foraging behaviours and calculated daily home range (HR) of the geese using global positioning system tracking data. We calculated standard ellipse areas to quantify niche width using the δ13C and δ15N values of individual geese. We linked behavioural plasticity with habitat quality using ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) models. We also tested the correlation between standard ellipse areas and HR using ANCOVA model. 3. We found significant differences in geese foraging behaviours between years in their daily foraging area, travel distance and speed, and turning angle. Specifically, the birds increased their foraging area to satisfy their daily energy intake requirement in response to poor habitat conditions. They flew more sinuously and travelled faster and longer distances on a daily basis. For the endangered lesser white-fronted goose, all behaviour variables were associated with habitat quality. For bean goose, only HR and turning angle were correlated with habitat quality. The birds, especially the lesser white-fronted goose, may have had a higher trophic position under poor conditions. 4. Our findings indicate that wintering geese showed a high degree of behavioural plasticity. However, more active foraging behaviours under poor habitat condition did not lead to a broader trophic niche. Habitat availability could be responsible to the divergent responses of foraging HR and isotopic niche to human-induced environmental change. Therefore, maintaining natural hydrological regimes during the critical period (i.e. September–November) to ensure that quality food

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

Volume: 58 , Pages: 297-303.

Language: English


Full reference: Lengyel, Sz., Tar, J. & Rózsa, L. 2012. Flock size measures of migrating Lesser White-fronted Geese. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 58: 297-303.

Keywords: mean group size, flocking behaviour, crowding, Hungary


Migrating in flocks has various benefits but also incurs costs, which depend on the conditions individuals experience in flocks of various sizes. Here we quantified such conditions by using recently developed methods to measure crowdedness in animal groups using data on flock sizes of the endangered Fennoscandian population of the globally threatened Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus. Data were gathered on migration in Hortobágy National Park (E Hungary) between 1994 and 2006. Data on 548 sightings of the species suggested that the distribution of flock sizes was skewed and that flock sizes were significantly larger in the autumn than in the spring. Despite this difference, mean crowding values, i.e., the group size in which an average individual occurs, were remarkably similar in the spring and in the autumn. These results show that even though flock size varied seasonally, the social environment experienced by the average individuals was surprisingly stable across seasons. Such stability can be important in the consistency of the benefits and costs of migrating in flocks. Our results also draw attention to the importance of quantifying crowdedness in animal groups as these measures can provide information different from those provided by looking at mean group size alone.

Literature type: Book

Language: Swedish (In Swedish)

Full reference: Ryd, Y. 2007. Ren och Varg. Samer berättar. [Reindeer and wolves. Sami tells.] , Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur, Stockholm. 265pp.

Keywords: moulting, dogs, catching, Sweden, extinction, summer, behaviour, occurrence

Literature type: Proceedings

Volume: 1 , Pages: 246-247.

Language: Russian (In Russian).


Full reference: Vorobyeva, T.D. 1979. [Anser erythropus time budget in the winter period and the effect of disturbance factor. ] , Proc. Kyzyl-Agach State Res.

Keywords: behaviour

Number of results: 4