Literature type: Report
Language: Norwegian In norwegian with english abstract
Download:Full reference: Kvalnes, T., Follestad, A., Krange, O. & Tombre, I.M. 2023. Evaluering av norsk handlingsplan for dverggås. [Evaluation of the Norwegian action plan for the Lesser White-fronted Goose.] , NINA Rapport 2349. Norsk institutt for naturforskning.
Keywords: dverggås, national action plan, Norway, priority species, conservation actions
The lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) is a critically endangered species in Norway. Due to a rapid decline in population size since the 1940s the population is now at very low numbers. In the previous three generations, the population has several times consisted of less than 50 reproducing individuals. In addition, the Norwegian breeding population constitutes almost the entire remaining Fennoscandian population of the species. Because of this situation, the lesser white-fronted goose is classified as a priority species with its own regulations in Norway. BirdLife Norway (formerly the Norwegian Ornithological Association) has since 1985 monitored the species annually in Finnmark, northern Norway. Geese have been individually ringed with neck-bands and leg rings, including GPS-loggers, which have identified migration routes from Norway to their wintering areas in Greece. Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, NINA has conducted an overall evaluation of the implementation of the Norwegian action plan for the lesser white-fronted goose which was launched in 2009. The aims of this evaluation has been 1) to evaluate the achievements of the management goals, 2) to evaluate whether knowledge from the monitoring is organized and disseminated appropriately for practical use, 3) to evaluate how the financial structures and conservation measures have been organised, and 4) to provide input for further knowledge acquisition and implementation of actions. The evaluation was based on relevant published results, such as reports from BirdLife Norway, scientific articles, and other information developed in the project. Informants from various relevant stakeholder groups and end-users have been interviewed. Additionally, a so-called red to green method was applied to evaluate the need for future knowledge needs and management actions. Stopping the ongoing population decline by 2015 and a long-term increase of the population size to a target of 1000 individuals, were the main objectives of the action plan. The second objective has not yet been achieved. However, the earlier population decline has been stopped and the population have displayed a slight positive growth rate. Thus, that the first objective has been achieved. In our evaluation, the change in population growth rate is considered to be an effect of the overall measures which have been made to preserve the species. A revision of the action plan is recommended. New achievable objectives for population size should be implemented as steps on the way towards a viable population size. The red list criteria can be used to define objectives and aid the choice of measures. To reduce adult mortality and increase the reproductive success, several conservation measures have been implemented. No entry zones have been established at important staging sites, such as Valdakmyra in Porsanger municipality and Rørholmen in Alta municipality. Annual culling of red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in and around the breeding area have been carried out to reduce egg and gosling predation. Bans on hunting for greylag geese (Anser anser) have been imposed in large parts of Finnmark to prevent accidental harvest of lesser white-fronted geese. Extensive international cooperation with Finland, Russia and other countries has been important. Cooperations have included efforts to monitor, reduce illegal hunting and secure important functional sites along the migration routes and in the wintering sites. The conservation measures are in general met with support from the informants. They express that most people are concerned with the conservation of the lesser white-fronted goose. Staff in nature management and at museums use the knowledge generated by the monitoring and various research projects to a large extent. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the conservation efforts among other users of the areas where staging and breeding sites for the lesser white-fronted goose are found. We also observed a need for more accessible dissemination of the knowledge which is generated. Some of the informants expressed that several stakeholders do not agree with the ban on hunting of greylag geese in local areas. The established boundaries for where the hunting ban should apply are especially considered problematic. Several stake-holders also claimed that hunter skills are underrated when the underlying assumption for this ban is that it is difficult for hunters to distinguish lesser white-fronted geese from greylag geese during the hunt. This evaluation recommends that also farmers and hunters are included in the dialogue involved in the management of the lesser white-fronted goose. Enhancing communication will facilitate discussions on potential changes that can be implemented to meet their needs while at the same time mitigating the risk of harming the geese. A discussion on adjusting the boarders of the hunting ban should be part of such a dialogue. Our evaluation indicates that much of the conservation effort carried out has been important and should be prolonged in the years ahead. In addition, some new objectives for the species and conservation measures are suggested. However, the lesser white-fronted goose has a long migration route across many countries. Thus, there is a limit to what can be achieved with unilateral national efforts in Norway. To ensure a high probability of success, it will be extremely important that international efforts are also prioritized. Moreover, the evaluation reveals some knowledge gaps that will be important to fill such that more precise conservation measures can be implemented and the effect of measures, such as red fox removal, can be evaluated in more detail. Internationally, it is particularly important to secure stop-over and wintering sites against illegal hunting, degradation and disturbance. Continued monitoring during wintering, along the migration route and at staging sites in Norway is essential to assess the effects of the conservation measures. Based on information from the interviews, it should also be considered whether a dialogue group should be established. With joint meetings among the representatives from nature management, participants in the conservation measures and other affected stakeholders. A forum is likely to improve communication, allow for exchange of experience and knowledge, and contribute to an increased understanding and acceptance of the conservation measures. Hence, it can contribute to achieving the management goals.
Literature type: Action Plan
Language: Bulgarian
Download:Full reference: Iankov, P. & Dobrev, D. 2018. [Action plan for conservation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) in Bulgaria 2018-2027.] , MOCV, Sofia. 76 pp.
Keywords: Action plan, Bulgaria
Literature type: Action Plan
Journal: Calandrella
Volume: 17 , Pages: 1-92.
Language: Hungarian (In Hungarian)
Download:Full reference: Bogyó, D., Ecsedi, Z., Tar, J., Zalai, T. 2014. A kis lilik (Anser erythropus) magyarországi fajmegörzési terve. [Hungarian National Action Plan for Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus).]
Keywords: Hungary, Action plan
Literature type: Action Plan
Language: Hungarian (In Hungarian with English summary)
Download:Full reference: Bogyó, D., Ecsedi, Z., Tar, J. & Zalai, T. 2013. A kis lilik (Anser erythropus) magyarorszagi fajmegörzesi terve. [Hungarian National Action Plan for Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus).] , Ministry of Rural Development, State Secretariat for Environmental Affairs. 93pp.
Keywords: action plan, Hungary, management, conservation, roosting, feeding, actions
Literature type: Action Plan
Language: Estonian (In Estonian & English)
Download:Full reference: Toming, M. 2012. Väike-laukhani ja tema kaitse Eestis. [Lesser White-fronted Goose and its conservation in Estonia.] , Hirundo Supplementum 11. 62 pp.
Keywords: Action Plan, Estonia, Anser erythropus, monitoring, threats, measures
Literature type: Action Plan
Language: English
Download:Full reference: The Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management. 2011. Norwegian action plan for the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus. , DN-report 4-2011.
Keywords: Action Plan, Norway, monitoring, threats, measures
Literature type: Action Plan
Language: Swedish (In Swedish with English summary)
Download:Full reference: Naturvårdsverket 2011. Åtgärdsprogram för fjällgås 2011–2015 (Anser erythropus) [Action plan for the Lesser White-fronted Goose 2011-2015.] , Rapport 6434, april 2011.
Keywords: Action Plan, Sweden, reintroduction
Literature type: Action Plan
Language: Finnish
Download:Full reference: Ympäristöministeriö 2009. Kiljuhanhen (Anser erythropus) suojeluohjelma. [Conservation programme for the LWfG.] , Digital report, 67 pp.
Keywords: Action plan, threats, measures
Literature type: Rep.article
Language: English
Download:Full reference: Martin, K. 2009. The international single species action plan for the conservation of the Western Palearctic population of the Lesser White-fronted Goose. , In: Tolvanen, P., Øien, I.J. & Ruokolainen, K. (eds.). Conservation of Lesser White-fronted Goose on the European migration route. Final report of the EU LIFE-Nature project 2005–2009. WWF Finland Report 27 & NOF Rapportserie Report No 1-2009: pp. 76-80.
Keywords: monitoring, EU-Life, annual report, Fennoscandian
Literature type: Action Plan
Language: Norwegian
Download:Full reference: Direktoratet for naturforvaltning. 2009. Handlingsplan for dverggås Anser erythropus. [Norwegian action plan for the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus.] , DN rapport 2009-2.
Keywords: Dverggås, handlingsplan, \novervåking, trusler, tiltak, action plan
Denne handlingsplan en presenterer mål og tiltak for forvaltning av dverggås Anser erythropus. Hovedmålet med planen er å sikre at dverggåsa ikke forsvinner som norsk og nordisk hekkefugl. På lengre sikt er målet en bestand på minst 1000 individer i Fennoskandia. Foreslåtte tiltak omfatter blant annet fortsatt kontinuerlig forvaltning, kartlegging og overvåking av raste- og hekkeområder i Norge, reproduksjonsfremmende tiltak, økt forskningsaktivitet, økt samarbeid mellom nasjonale myndigheter for å hindre utilsiktet felling langs trekkruta og utarbeide en gjennomførbarhetsanalyse for avl.
Number of results: 17