Literature type: General
Journal: Ornithos
Volume: 9 , Pages: 2-32.
Language: French (In French with English summary)
Full reference: Frémont, J.-Y. 2002. Les oiseaux rares en France en 2000. [Rare birds in France in 2000.], Ornithos: 9, 2-32.
Keywords: France, rarity report
Literature type: Book
Language: Swedish (In Swedish)
Full reference: Sundevall, C.J. & Kinberg, J.G.H 1886. Methodi naturalis avium disponendarum tentamen: försök till fogelklassens naturenliga uppställnung. [Attempt at classifying the order of birds.] , Vol.4. Oxford University. 382pp. (Anser erythropus pp.1280-1285)
Keywords: Svandinavia, breeding, systematics, biometrics, distribution, occurence, Finnmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Egypt, Russia, England, Netherlands, France, Greece, Black Sea, Asov Sea, Caspian Sea
Literature type: General
Journal: Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux
Volume: 18 , Pages: 462-475.
Language: French (in French)
Download:Full reference: Aucapitaine, H. 1852. Synopsis des Palmipèdes observés sur le littoral Ouest de France, de l'embouchure de la Loire à celle de la Gironde. [Synopsis Waterfowl observed on the west coast of France, at the mouth of the Loire to that of the Gironde.], Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux: 18, 462-475.
Number of results: 3