Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Media, booklets & reports

Through the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose conservation project and recent EU Life projects, a lot of written material has been published. This range in issues from pure research, to monitoring reports, management recommendations, laymans reports and awareness posters & stickers. A representative part of these are made available here. All material with relevant information about occurrence, monitoring etc are also available through the literature page.

Annual reports from the Fennoscandian LWfG conservation project

Annual report 1997
for year 1997
Annual report 1999
for year 1998
Annual report 2000
for year 1999
Annual report 2001
for year 2000
Annual report 2004
for years 2001-03
Annual report 2009
for years 2005-09

Material from the EU Life project in 2005-2009

The story of Mánnu & Máddu.
Laymans report 2009.

Project brochure, Hungary Project brochure, Greece

Brochures for hunters

Information material produced specifically for hunters.

for Kazakhstan
for Hungary

Brochures for identification

Information material produced for public audience and birders.

in english, project identification brochure

in English, identification article in Alula 1999

for Estonia, project identification brochure in Greek, project identification brochure


Short videos about the Lesser White-fronted Goose and conservation efforts.

Network for migratory species, Bergen, 2011. With Ingar Jostein Øien (Senior Advisor, Norwegian Ornithological Society / BirdLife Norway), H.E. Erik Solheim (Minister of the Environment and International Development of Norway), Heidi Sorensen (State Secretary, Ministry of the Environment of Norway), Khairbek Mussabayev, (Deputy Chairman, Forestry and Hunting Committee, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

Saving the Lesser White-fronted Goose from Norsk Ornitologisk Forening, 2011. A short movie about research, conservation actions and migration of the Lesser White-fronted Goose.

The last Lesser White fronted Goose. Man - my worst enemy.. A unique movie about the Lesser White-fronted Goose that breeds in Finnmark, Norway. The movie that where produced in 1995 by Kåre Tannvik, had a budget of 700.000NOK and shows the journey of the Lesser white-fronted Goose from the breeding areas in the north, to the wintering area on the border between Turkey and Greece.

A species can become extinct in a blink! As part of the EU-Life+ Project's campaign against the illegal hunting on Greek wetlands, the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change together with the Hellenic Ornithological Society produced a TV and Radio Spot airing now, January 2014 in Greece. Learn more about the LIFE+ Nature Project for the Protection of the Lesser White-fronted Goose at Facebook - LesserWhitefrontedGoose»