Portal to the Lesser White-fronted Goose

- by the Fennoscandian Lesser White-fronted Goose project

Recent literature

Literature type: Report

Language: Norwegian In norwegian with english summary

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Full reference: Stokke, B.G., Hamre, Ø., May, R., Molværsmyr, S., Nilsson, A.L.K. & Pavón-Jordán, D. 2024. 420 kV Skaidi-Lebesby – radar-undersøkelser av flygeaktivitet hos dverggås og tundrasædgås ved Stabbursneset, Porsanger. [420 kV Skaidi-Lebesby – radar surveys of flight activity in Lesser-white fronted geese and Tundra bean geese at Stabbursneset, Porsanger.] , NINA rapport 2334. Norsk institutt for naturforskning.

Keywords: flight activity, avian radar, power lines, collision, Finnmark, Norway, Valdakmyra


In 2022 and 2023, an avian radar was utilized to investigate flight activity of lesser white-fronted geese (Anser erythropus) and tundra bean-geese (Anser serrirostris) at Stabbursneset, Porsanger, in Finnmark, Northern Norway. The Ramsar site Valdakmyra, which is situated in this area, is an important stopover site for lesser white-fronted geese on their way to their breeding areas in the spring, and to their wintering areas in the autumn. Lesser white-fronted geese flying westwards to their breeding areas followed a quite narrow route along a creek in the southern part of Valdakmyra. The tundra bean-geese utilized a much larger part of the area, following both an east-west and a south-north flight route. Geese that returned from the west did not seem to follow a specific route and arrived at rather high altitudes before landing at Valdakmyra. Statnett SF is planning to build a new 420 kV power line in a north-south direction west of Val-dakmyra. There exist three alternative routes: 1) just west of Valdakmyra (the “eastern” alterna-tive), 2) replacing an already existing 132 kV power line (the “central” alternative), and 3) further towards west (the “western” alternative). Both radar data and visual observations disclosed that both species crossed all the three alternative routes on their way from Valdakmyra and back. The “eastern” alternative is not recommended since geese regularly passed at low altitudes re-sulting in high collision risk. The two other alternatives are assessed to be better choices to reduce collision risk, because individuals that departed Valdakmyra gained height as they flew westwards. In most cases the geese passed the two alternative power line routes at safe heights. Similarly, geese that returned from the west lost height as they approached Valdakmyra. It is important to note that two years of data collection cannot exclude the possibility that other flight routes may be important in a longer time perspective. The most energy efficient flight routes may for instance be influenced by weather conditions, which of course may vary between years. In addition, a substantial part of the flight tracks was not recorded by the radar due to clutter, poor weather conditions, etc, resulting in suboptimal assessment of the collision risk at especially the ”western” power line alternative. It is highly recommended that a possible new power line is marked with bird diverters to reduce collision risk, and that regular searches for collision victims are undertaken.

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Biological Conservation

Volume: 281

DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110028

Language: English


Full reference: Marolla, F., Aarvak, T. Hamel, S., Ims, R.A., Kéry, M., Mellard, J.P., Nater, C.R., Schaub, M., Vougioukalou, M., Yoccoz, N.G. & Øien, I.J. 2023. Life-cycle analysis of an endangered migratory goose to assess the impact of conservation actions on population recovery. Biological Conservation 281. https://www.dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110028

Keywords: Goose management, State-space model, Management evaluation, Lesser white-fronted goose, Unmarked individuals, Non-breeding dynamics, migration


Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation actions is challenging for migratory species because a population can be impacted anywhere along its route. Conservation actions for the critically endangered Fennoscandian lesser white-fronted goose population include culling of red foxes in the breeding area and habitat improvements and reduction of illegal hunting in the non-breeding areas. One goal of the predator control strategy is to prevent adult birds from using an autumn migration route through western Asia, where mortality is believed to be higher than on the migration route through eastern Europe. We used 23 years of count data obtained at different staging areas to parameterize a seasonal state-space model describing the full-annual cycle dynamics of this population and evaluate whether the recent population recovery was linked to these conservation efforts. The results did not provide evidence that predator control influenced population recovery, as survival on the European route did not appear higher than on the allegedly riskier Asian route. However, adult survival at staging areas on both routes and at wintering sites may have improved in the last decade, suggesting a positive effect of the other conservation initiatives. These results emphasize the importance of including the non-breeding dynamics in population assessments of migratory species and highlight the challenge of evaluating the efficacy of separate conservation actions when a proper experimental design is unfeasible. Our study, which is a unique case of cross-national, coordinated conservation efforts, exemplifies how to model complex population dynamics to assess the influence of costly conservation initiatives.

Literature type: General

Journal: Die Vogelwelt

Volume: 141 , Pages: 101-110

Language: English

Full reference: Kruckenberg, H. & Krüger, T. 2023. Current status of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus in Northwest Germany (Lower Saxony and Bremen), an important stop-over and wintering area. Die Vogelwelt: 141, 101-110

Keywords: reintrodcution, hunting, Germany, numbers, distribution


Since the 1950s Lesser White-fronted Geese Anser erythropus decreased dramatically all over the wide-spread breeding area (Mikander 2015). Nowadays Lesser Whitefronts are one of the most endangered waterbird species in Europe (BirdLife International 2015). Krüger & Kruckenberg (2011) could show that the species has been frequently observed in Lower Saxony since the beginning of the 20th century. From 2012-2015 a research project of NABU Lower Saxony intensively investigated the importance of Northwest Germany for this species. As a result we present new and supplemented data on the occurrence of Lesser White-fronts in Lower-Saxony for the period 1980–2016. In this period, a strong increase in the number of observations occurred, such that Lesser White-fronted Goose has stated as a regular, annually occurring migratory bird in Lower Saxony. The number of observations in Lower Saxony peaked in the years of 1999/2000 to 2007/08 and decreased thereafter. A clear pattern in spatial distribution can be identified in the northwest of Lower Saxony in the region of East Frisia. This includes the Dollard-Lower Ems-Region (Rheiderland, Emsmarschen) with the Krummhörn, including Leybucht, which are key sites for the species. Other important sites are the Middle Elbe and the Lower Elbe. Unfortunately, information about the origin of the birds is rare. More than half of the Swedish Lesser Whitefronts are colour-marked, but the occurrence of many unmarked birds presumably consists of a mixture of Russian and Norwegian birds. Taken together all data show Lower Saxony (Northwest Germany) as a part of the range of Lesser White-fronted Geese migrate to The Netherlands and probably also for wintering individuals. So, this should be incorporate in legislative protection (f.e. key species in Bird sanctuaries or hunting regulation).

Journal: Tiirutaja

Volume: 62 , Pages: 8-9

Language: Estonian


Full reference: Kalamees, A. 2023. Väike-laukhanedel oli edukas pesitsusaasta. [The Lesser White-fronted goose had a successful nesting year.]

Keywords: migration, breeding success, Norway, Estonia, GPS-tracking


Veel käesoleva aasta kevadel näitasid rahvusvahelise väike-laukhanede seire andmed Fennoskandia populatsiooni jätkuvat kahanemist. Viimasel viiel aastal on järjest vähem isendeid jõudnud tagasi pesitsusaladele Põhja-Norras. Madalseisu paljude põhjuste seas peetakse olulisemateks elupaikade kadumist, kliimamuutustest tingitud väga halba pesitsusedukust ja kõrget röövlust, jahipidamist ning põllumajanduslikust tegevusest tingitud häirimist.

Recently added

Literature type: Report

Language: Norwegian In norwegian with english summary

External Link:


Full reference: Stokke, B.G., Hamre, Ø., May, R., Molværsmyr, S., Nilsson, A.L.K. & Pavón-Jordán, D. 2024. 420 kV Skaidi-Lebesby – radar-undersøkelser av flygeaktivitet hos dverggås og tundrasædgås ved Stabbursneset, Porsanger. [420 kV Skaidi-Lebesby – radar surveys of flight activity in Lesser-white fronted geese and Tundra bean geese at Stabbursneset, Porsanger.] , NINA rapport 2334. Norsk institutt for naturforskning.

Keywords: flight activity, avian radar, power lines, collision, Finnmark, Norway, Valdakmyra


In 2022 and 2023, an avian radar was utilized to investigate flight activity of lesser white-fronted geese (Anser erythropus) and tundra bean-geese (Anser serrirostris) at Stabbursneset, Porsanger, in Finnmark, Northern Norway. The Ramsar site Valdakmyra, which is situated in this area, is an important stopover site for lesser white-fronted geese on their way to their breeding areas in the spring, and to their wintering areas in the autumn. Lesser white-fronted geese flying westwards to their breeding areas followed a quite narrow route along a creek in the southern part of Valdakmyra. The tundra bean-geese utilized a much larger part of the area, following both an east-west and a south-north flight route. Geese that returned from the west did not seem to follow a specific route and arrived at rather high altitudes before landing at Valdakmyra. Statnett SF is planning to build a new 420 kV power line in a north-south direction west of Val-dakmyra. There exist three alternative routes: 1) just west of Valdakmyra (the “eastern” alterna-tive), 2) replacing an already existing 132 kV power line (the “central” alternative), and 3) further towards west (the “western” alternative). Both radar data and visual observations disclosed that both species crossed all the three alternative routes on their way from Valdakmyra and back. The “eastern” alternative is not recommended since geese regularly passed at low altitudes re-sulting in high collision risk. The two other alternatives are assessed to be better choices to reduce collision risk, because individuals that departed Valdakmyra gained height as they flew westwards. In most cases the geese passed the two alternative power line routes at safe heights. Similarly, geese that returned from the west lost height as they approached Valdakmyra. It is important to note that two years of data collection cannot exclude the possibility that other flight routes may be important in a longer time perspective. The most energy efficient flight routes may for instance be influenced by weather conditions, which of course may vary between years. In addition, a substantial part of the flight tracks was not recorded by the radar due to clutter, poor weather conditions, etc, resulting in suboptimal assessment of the collision risk at especially the ”western” power line alternative. It is highly recommended that a possible new power line is marked with bird diverters to reduce collision risk, and that regular searches for collision victims are undertaken.

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Munis Entomology & Zoology

Volume: 18 , Pages: 324-329

Language: English


Full reference: Mustafayev, I. 2023. The new evidence of fossil lesser white-fronted goose in the late Pleistocene sediments of Binagada asphalt lake, Azerbaijan. Munis Entomology & Zoology 18: 324-329

Keywords: Azerbaijan, Binagada Asphalt Lake, Pleistocene, osteological, fossil, ulna


Binagada Asphalt Lake is unique and the largest faunal and floral asphalt assemblage. Since the discovery of the Binagada Asphalt Lake in 1938, members of staff of the Museum of Natural History together with Russian specialists did a lot of work in the way of systematic definition of species diversity fossil flora and fauna, the results of it were periodically published. A new species of Lesser White-fronted goose (Anser erythropus) for the Binagada fauna is described from the Binagada Asphalt Lake, which have yielded a common vertebrate fossil assemblages referred to the Late Pleistocene. The ulna of Lesser White-fronted goose is distinct from Anser anser and Anser albifrons, in that it lesser size and the morphological features of shape cotyla dorsale. At the moment, the paleornitofauna of Late Pleistocene asphalt deposits of Binagada numbered 116 species of birds, including 23 species of Anseriformes. The comparative osteological material stored in the Museum of Natural History of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

Volume: 5 , Pages: 1062-1066

Language: English


Full reference: Mammadov, A. 2017. Survey of lesser white-fronted goose Anser erythropus in Nakhchivan of Azerbaijan during 20-24 January 2015. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 5: 1062-1066

Keywords: Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, wintering, Aras reservoir


A field survey of the Aras water reservoir within Nakhchivan Autonomic Republic and the adjoining flood-plain area of the Aras River valley within Sadarak district near the border of Iran and Turkey was carried out i 20-24 January 2015. Only four small flocks of Lesser White-fronted Geese were located, of which the biggest being 80 individuals. However, these observations together with tracking and location data on satellite transmitter tagged birds proves that at least for the LWfG the whole area of the Aras River valley from the border of Turkey to the Aras reservoir dam serves as a wintering ground. Considering their high significance, the wetlands of the Aras reservoir and Sadarak district should be assigned the status of highly protected area. The survey also covered the numbers and distribution of other water bird species in the area. Within Azerbaijan part, more than 25000 waterfowl and shorebirds winters, which qualifies this important area to the list of important RAMSAR wetlands.

Literature type: Scientific

Journal: Wildfowl

Volume: 73 , Pages: 238–249

Language: English


Full reference: Pokrovskaya, O., Sokolova, N., Erich, D., Gilg, O., Sokolov, V. & Sokolov, A. 2023. Globally threatened Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus nesting in association with Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus in southern Yamal, Russia. Wildfowl 73: 238–249

Keywords: breeding biology, nest association, nest protection, peregrine falcon, Siberia, arctic


Knowledge about the breeding biology and potential threats on the breeding grounds is important for conservation of threatened species. The main breeding range of the Lesser White-fronted Goose Anser erythropus (LWFG) forms a belt along the southern part of the Russian arctic and, although their main nesting habitat has been described based on observations of broods or pairs with breeding behaviour, only very few observations of confirmed nests have been reported. Since 2006, we have encountered 36 nests of this rare species in the Erkuta River basin (in the southern part of the Yamal Peninsula), described their nesting habitat and found that 71% of nests were associated with territorial Peregrine Falcons Falco peregrinus. Such a nest association, already described for other Siberian wildfowl, is assumed to increase the nest survival of LWFG in areas with high predation rates, but also raises indirect conservation concerns since the Peregrine Falcon is itself a rare species in many regions of Russia.